Wednesday, January 4, 2012

SCPPHC Parade Group Participates in 2012 Rose Parade

Peruvians Shine Once again in the 2012 Rose Parade!

The Rose Parade riders were from left to right- First Row: Cathy Yaskivich, Robin James, Lauren Leatherbury, Jorge Valenzuela - Second Row: Carolyn Truskowski, Lacey James, Daryl Thompson, Ken Jallen, and Third Row: Mike Grossman, me (Kathryn Grossman), Aggie Steele, and Susan McMahan. We had no mishaps, especially since they did not put a band with drums behind us this time! Since the Natural Balance surfing dogs float (ahead of us) stopped so many times, we were allowed to make 'maneuvers' of circling around and joining up again and gaiting. Joining us in the EquestFest performance was Sean McMahan, who was just a shade too young to ride in the parade. Lacey took his place in the actual parade.

We also owe big thanks to our support people who helped to tack up, decorate and drive for us! Diana Whisenant, Ken Brown, Bill Bence and Clyde James. There were others too, that my tired brain can't pull up at the moment...

A group of five of us also gave an informative talk about our horses and parade preparations on Friday night for a large group of Road Scholars. (Cathy, Daryl, Danell Adams, Mike and me) They seemed to really enjoy it, and we got a big cheer from them in the stands on parade day!

Happy New Year!

Kathryn Grossman